11 April 2010

Rock Cycle

Previously, we already know that on earth there are three types of rocks are igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. Third rock can change into metamorphic rocks, but they also can turn into other rocks. All rocks will experience weathering and erosion into the particles or fragments smaller could also eventually form sedimentary rocks. Rocks can also melt, or melt into magma and then back into igneous rock. All of this is called a cycle or  rock cycle.

All the rocks that exist on the surface of the earth will experience weathering. Cause there are 3 types of weathering:
  1. Weathering the physics: the change from hot to cold temperatures will make the rock is changing. Rain was also able to create a fracture-existing fractures in the rock to be developed so that these physical processes can make a rock breaks into smaller parts again.
  2. Chemical weathering: some kind of chemical solution can react with the rocks as an example of solution of HCl will react with the limestone. Even water can react melarutan several types of rocks. One obvious example is the "acid rain" that greatly influenced the occurrence of chemical weathering.
  3. Biological weathering: Also due to weathering and chemical fisikan process, one that can happen is weathering the biological weathering. One example is weathering caused by disturbance of the roots of plants are quite large. The roots of this large plant capable of making fractures-fractures in the rock and can eventually break rocks into smaller parts again.
After experiencing rock weathering, the rocks will be broken into smaller parts so it is easy to switch places. Where the transfer of small particles is called erosion. This erosion process can occur in several ways:
  1. Due to gravity: the earth due to gravity so that there could be fragments of rock fell to the ground or rolled over the cliff until finally collected on the ground surface.
  2. Due to water: water that passes through the small fragments of rock fragments that anyone can carry it from one place to another. One example that can be clearly observed is the role of rivers in transporting fragments this small rock.
  3. Due to the wind: in addition to water, wind can transport the rock fragments are small in size as well as currently occurs in desert regions.
  4. As a result of glaciers: glacier or who is often referred to as the existing glaciers in Alaska are now also able to move the broken pieces of rock that exists.

Fragments of rock are carried away due to erosion can not be carried away forever. Like the river will meet the sea, the wind will decrease tiupannya, and glaciers will melt. As a result of all this, the broken rock will be deposited and taken. This process is often called the deposition process. During the deposition process, broken rock will be deposited in layers where the heavy fraction will be deposited first, then followed by the lighter fractions and so on. The deposition will form layers in the rock which we often see in the sedimentary rocks at this time.

At the time of bedding in sedimentary rocks are formed, the pressure in the bottom layers will increase due to added burden on them. Accretion due to this pressure, the water contained in rock layers would be depressed so that the exit from the existing rock layers. This process is often referred to as compaction. At the same time also, there are particles in the layer began to unite. The presence of cement such as clay, silica, or calcite between existing particles make the particles together to form a more hard rock. This process is often called cementation. After the process of compaction and cementation occur on the existing rock fragments, sedimentary layers that existed previously turned into sedimentary rock layers. Sedimentary rocks such as sandstones, clays, and limestones can be distinguished from others through the layers of rock, the grains of sediment that becomes a result of the cement, and also the existence of fossils deposited as part of rock and fossil fragments undergo a process of erosion, compaction and tersementasikan finally together.

At the earth's crust deep enough pressure and temperature are extremely high. Conditions of pressure and very high temperatures like this can change the minerals in rocks. This process is often called metamorfisme process. All rocks are able to experience the process metamorfisme. Metamorfisme process level is dependent of:

1. Are there rocks or exposed to the effects of pressure and high temperature.

2. Does rocks is changing its form.

3. How long will the existing rock pressure and exposed to high temperatures.

With the increase in a rock in the earth, chances are there rocks melt back into the magma is very large. This is because the pressure and temperature is very high at very deep depths. Due to the density of the magma that formed smaller than the surrounding rock, the magma will try to return to the surface through the crust of the earth there. Magma is also formed beneath the earth's crust is in the Mantle of the earth. Magma will also be trying to break through the crust and then assembled with the magma that had previously formed and subsequently tried to break through the crust to form plutonic igneous or volcanic good.

Sometimes magma is able to get to the earth's surface through fractures or faults in the earth. At the time of magma can penetrate the earth's surface, it sometimes created an explosion or a volcanic eruption is often called. This process is often called extrusive processes. Rocks formed from magma that comes out to the surface is called extrusive igneous rocks. Basalt and pumice (pumice) is one example of extrusive rocks. Type of rock formed by this process depends on the composition of the existing magma. Extrusive igneous rocks commonly show the following characteristics:
  • Grains are very small. This caused the magma comes out to the surface of the earth experienced a very rapid cooling process so that the minerals which exist as a rock composer does not have much time to be developed.
  • Generally shows the presence of cavities formed by the gas contained in rock that is often called "gas bubble".

Rock that melted under pressure and very high temperatures often forming a magma chamber in the crust of the earth. This magma mixed with the magma that formed the Mantle. Because of the relative location of the magma chamber and did not experience extrusive process, the magma that is experiencing a relatively slow cooling process and form of mineral crystals that eventually form intrusive igneous rocks. Intrusive igneous rocks can be exposed at the surface to form plutons. One type of the largest plutons are exposed clearly batholit such as those in the Sierra Nevada - USA which is a huge granite batholit. Gabbro is also one example of intrusive rocks. Type of rock formed by this process depends on the composition of the existing magma. Intrusive igneous rocks generally show the following characteristics:
  • Large grains. This is caused by magma that comes out onto the surface of the earth experienced a very slow cooling process so that the minerals which exist as a rock composer has a lot of time to be developed.
  • Typically the mineral-intrusive igneous rock forming minerals show angular interlocking.

These processes all of which occurred in the past, present, and future. The occurrence of these processes balancing rocks on earth.


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